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Moving Tips That Won't Break The Bank So You Don't Break Your Back

Moving can be expensive, especially when there are a lot of heavy things to move. And, moving is a lot of hard work and you could hurt your back if you don't take care of yourself. While there are moving supplies and equipment that can help ease the burden on your back, many people don't think of the little things that can help moving day go smoothly without causing any aggravating back injuries. Fortunately, many of these little things won't break the bank. Here are a few tips to know before you get started.

Packing Boxes

Boxes do have weight limitations. They may break or buckle if they are overstuffed. Boxes that are too heavy are difficult and awkward to carry. Instead of trying to stuff as much as possible into each box, purchase additional boxes so you don't end up with boxes that are too heavy to carry or handle.

Ask the salesperson at your moving supplies store what their policy is for returning unused boxes. Since boxes come flat, most moving supply companies will want unused boxes returned flat. Do not shape the boxes until you are ready to fill them. That way, you will be able to return the unused boxes if your moving supply store does accept returns.

Wearing Proper Shoes

It's important to wear the right type of shoes, especially if you already have back problems. According to Dr. Giurini, choosing the right shoes is important for your back. If your feet are out of alignment, it can throw the rest of your body out of alignment, especially your back. Bad shoes can cause feet to be out of alignment.

Wear shoes that have flat, stable soles and good arch support. Avoid wearing flip flops or other shoes that do not support your feet. If you are expecting to carry boxes and heavy items up and down stairs, you may want to consider wearing shoes that support your ankles, such as high top sneakers or work boots. If you don't have a suitable pair of shoes for moving, go ahead and invest in a pair. Your back may thank you for it.

Staying Hydrated

Dehydration can cause back pain. Every cell of your body needs water, including your back muscles and spine. You'll want to be sure you are well hydrated for moving day. While you do want to increase your water intake on moving day, you also want to be sure your body is already hydrated prior to starting all the hard work.

The discs of your spine need water. But, the water is squeezed out of the discs during the day when you stand upright and move around. It's during sleep when your body is flat that those discs rejuvenate and rehydrate. So, you'll want to drink plenty of water the day before moving day. The basic recommendation is six-to-eight glasses a day, but there are variables.

Tap water from your faucet is free. If you won't be home all day, purchase a refillable bottle for water. That way, you'll have no excuses for not drinking enough to be hydrated.

Using Wheels

Rent or buy moving dollies or carts so you can easily move large and heavy items. Before you get these types of items, be sure to measure door openings and hallways. That way, you won't get a dolly or cart that is too large to fit. Use straps to hold your items on the equipment so you don't have to contort your body to try to keep your things from falling off while you push the equipment.

Moving day doesn't have to break your bank account or your back. However, if you don't take care of your back while moving, you could end up paying for chiropractic care and/or physical therapy. Spend a little more to get the right equipment to help you avoid a back injury. You can learn more about what equipment you may need by contacting your moving company.
